Process Improvement
Business process improvements are methodologies in which a team evaluates and adapts their current processes to increase productivity, streamline workflows, adapt to changing business needs, or increase profitability.
We focus on the critical features of TQM:
Customer focus: The end goal of TQM is always to benefit the end customer. If your team is focused on improving quality, ask yourself how that process change may affect how end consumers experience your product.
Full-team involvement: Unlike other process improvement methodologies, TQM involves the entire team—not just production. As a result, you may end up looking for ways to optimize more business-centric processes, such as sales and marketing, to benefit the end consumer.
Continuous improvement: Continuous business improvement is making minor changes to optimize processes continually. There's much variability in business, and constant improvement helps your team adapt when outside circumstances change.
Data-driven decision-making: In order to apply continuous process improvement, you must continually collect data to analyze how processes are performing. This data can help identify where there may be inefficiencies and where to focus improvement initiatives.
Process-focused: The main goal of implementing TQM is to improve processes. Other process improvement methods, such as Six Sigma, work to minimize the number of defects, while TQM works to decrease inefficiencies.
We also use PDCA
There are four main steps to the PDCA cycle:
Plan: Decide on the problem you want to solve and create a plan.
D​​​​o: Test and implement the plan at a small scale.
Check: Review how the actions in the Do stage are performed.
Act: After reviewing the test results, decide whether you want to implement the change at a larger scale.
PDCA is an improvement cycle. These steps can be repeated until your team reaches the desired result.